Vanquished! Canthan Day 5
Areas Completed:
- Haiju Lagoon
- Drazach Thicket
- Morostav Trail
Party: W, E, R, Dunkoro, Tahlkora, Razah
Foes: 168
Time: 1hr 16min
Most important things to watch out for: the extremely powerful channeling ritualist bosses and diversion.
Drazach Thicket, Morostav Trail
Drazach Party: W, E, R, R, Razah (MM), Tahlkora, Tahlkora, Master of Whispers (SS)
Drazach Foes: 233
Drazach Time: 56min
Morostav Party: W, E, R, R, Mo, Razah (MM), Tahlkora, Master of Whispers (SS)
Morstav Foes: 297
Morostav Time: 1hr 32min
If you can get groups to fight each other let them at it. Far pulls will let you avoid pop-ups and patrols. As with the other Forest areas, watch out for the Warden Ritualist, Mesmers, and Wardens of the Earth and keep in mind that the spirits will increase the bleeding degeneration to 5.
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