Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Vanquished! Canthan Day 4

Areas Completed:

  • Jaya Bluffs
  • Minister Cho's Estate
  • Mourning Veil Falls
Jaya Bluffs
Party: W, Sousuke, Razah (Explosive Creation), Dunkoro, Healer Hench, Shock Hench

Watch out for the tengu necromancer's Wail of Doom. It made me completely useless for most fights involving a necromancer. It interrupts and disables all attack skills.

Minister Cho's Estate
Party: W, E, R, Tahlkora
Foes: 207
Time: 1hr 23min

Afflicted Assassins are the creature to watch for here due to Shadow Form. Also, the Afflicted Elementalist and Necromancers are really deadly if they are in a single group.

Also, the sickened animals here are level 23 and extremely fast. Pull them from a distance or they will get to your party before you can block them. Watch for the patrolling wolves since they can run in out of no where.

Mourning Veil Falls
Party: W, R, R, E, Razah (Explosive Creation), Whispers (SS), Tahlkora, Tahlkora
Foes: 218
Time: 1hr 37min

Argh.... Hard area to say the least. The bosses here are incredibly deadly and there are a lot of them. Proceed with caution and use every corner that you can. Also, the wardens and the insects here will fight each other if you can get them together but unfortunately the plants are neutral.

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