Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Vanquished! Canthan Day 3

Areas Completed:

  • Ferndale
  • Eternal Grove
  • Nahpui Quarter
Ferndale, Eternal Grove
Party: W, W, N (SS), R, E, Razah (Explosive Creation MM), Tahlkora (Prot), Tahlkora (Heal)

Pretty easy areas overall. Make sure you pull far. There are a lot of pop-ups and patrols here. A far enough pull will keep you safe from fighting 2-3 groups at a time. We had to do this a few times and it did give us some trouble especially with the Oni pops.

Watch out for the Warden Ritualist, Mesmers, and as always the ever a pain, Wardens of the Earth. Mesmers (Wardens of the Spirit) are domination with strip enchant and interrupts while the Ritualists (Wardens of the Seasons, Summer, Spring) spam Splinter Weapon for lots of AoE damage. We usually kept the Rangers for last but keep it in the back of your mind that their spirits will increase the degeneration of bleeding.

The Dredge aren't that bad if you can get 1 group at a time but watch the Dredge Gutters (Assassins). They shadow step and are very capable of a heavy spike.

Nahpui Quarter
Party: W, R, R, E, Master of Whispers (SS), Olias (MM), Tahlkora (Prot), Tahlkora (Heal)
Foes: 112
Time: 36min

Lots of corners to use so your warriors will be happy. Try to keep your party spread out a bit or the e-surge mesmers and double dragon mages will have fun with you. Also, necromancers here add degen to the mix.

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